Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blogging fell by the wayside as progress progressed

Since my last post, where I made the excuse that teaching about tiny house construction interfered with blogging about it, I’ve made some major changes, including teaching a second semester of construction at my local college, moving my house to a friend’s land to finish building in an idyllic setting, getting my plumbing set up, siding finished, interior painted, floor in, stairs built, cabinets begun, shower set up, tiny wood stove up and running, and more.

Also in the meantime, I’ve lost my outdoor on demand water heater to an extreme freeze (and rerouted my plumbing to make room for an indoor water heater), and rethought my kitchen layout about 5 times.  But, overall, it’s cozy now, and I’m enjoying the little house in a quiet valley in the coast range.

Moving the house – white knuckles: 

Leaving the yard
My dad is a generous guy who says yes when I ask for help, so he agreed to use his truck to help my house make it’s first little trek 25 miles from it’s industrial yard construction zone to another temporary home in a beautiful valley in Mendocino County.  So, we loaded it up, checked the tires and the brakes, and pulled out onto the road.  Plenty of stares from other traffic, and odd encounters along the way, but we made it, no problems, in the 110°F July heat to my new home on a small ranch. 

